Primary Producer Irrigation Infrastructure Grants SA
Provides funding to River Murray primary producers to help with flood impacts to irrigation infrastructure.
This grant supports South Australian River Murray primary producers accessing River Murray water for primary production to meet costs associated with flood impacts to irrigation infrastructure and electricity supply as a result of the 2022 River Murray Floods.
The grant will assist with costs for relocating and re-establishing irrigation pumps and purchasing alternative power sources such as generators.
Applicants must have evidence of:
– Actual or potential power disconnection/interruption to primary producer business, or
– Flood inundation impacts on flood irrigation infrastructure.
To be eligible, you must:
– Be a primary producer
– Hold an Australian business number (ABN) and have held that ABN at the time of the flood event
– Hold a Class 3 water access entitlement or be a member of an Irrigation Trust at the time of the flood event.
Primary producer irrigator businesses must be located within the following affected local government areas:
– Alexandrina Council
– Berri Barmera Council
– Coorong District Council
– District Council of Karoonda East Murray
– District Council of Loxton Waikerie
– Mid Murray Council
– Pastoral Unincorporated Area
– Renamark Paringa Council
– Rural City of Murray Bridge.