Branch Committee On-Boarding Process

Criteria to be on a Commitee

  • Must be a financial voting member.

Role of a Branch Committee


This By-Law relates to the administration by Branches and their operation as specified in section 45 of the Constitution. 

1. Role 

• Receive and implement Board strategy as it relates to the Branch 

• Connect with local industry stakeholders 

• Be the local face of DIAA 

• Conduit between the Board/National office and members 

• Organise local activities 

2. Branch Committee

2.1. Composition 

• Recommended committee size of between 5 and 11. Members at the Branch Annual Member Forum (previously AGM) decide how many committee members. 

• Criteria to be on the Committee – o financial voting member, 

2.2. Elections and terms of office 

1. Elected positions – election held at Branch Annual Member Forum with nominations called beforehand 

2. Term – 1-year term but may serve consecutive terms (no limit) 

3. Casual vacancies – Branch Committee can appoint someone to fill the vacancy until next election 

4. Cessation and removal of Committee member. All such actions will be notified to the Branch Committee or the Committee member in writing.

A person ceases to be a Branch Committee member upon resigning as a Committee member, is no longer a DIAA member as prescribed in section 13 of the Constitution. 

o A person can be removed as a Branch Committee member if absent from all Branch Committee meetings over a 6-month period without the consent of the Committee fails to attend at least 2 face-to-face meetings of the Committee during a 12-month period without the consent of the Committee 

2.3. Positions 

• President, Treasurer, Secretary – Committee will appoint these positions from amongst their number at the first meeting of the new Committee. 

• Vice President – optional – may or may not be President Elect 

• Roles:


Chair Branch Committee meetings promote the DIAA at a regional level  liaise with the National Office regarding all activities carried out by the Branch prepare activity reports for the Board as specified circulate all Board Communications to the Branch Committee initiate actions as and when requested by Board 


prepare and manage Branch budgets for all activities 

liaise with the Board Finance & Risk Committee and National Treasurer regarding reporting requirements 

coordinate with the National Treasurer regarding all financial processing (eg BAS, invoicing,) 


co-ordinate Branch Committee Meetings 

record minutes of all Branch Committee meetings 

circulate minutes to Committee members and to the National Executive Officer 

liaise with the National Office on all activities undertaking by the Branch in a timely manner including

  • event scheduling 
  • sponsorship 
  • communication and promotion 

2.4. Meetings

Each Branch shall meet no less than four (4) times per annum ideally with at least one of these meetings being face to face. 

• Branch Committees shall require a quorum of at least half the Committee members to transact Branch Committee business. 

3. Activities 

• Each Branch will hold an Annual Member Forum. The business of the forum will include

o Branch Committee election, 

o update the members on Branch activities (President’s report), 

o opportunity for members to ask questions of the activities of the Branch 

• Preparation of Branch budgets and activity reports 

• Run activities of the Branch including technical events, training sessions, social and networking events, Branch conferences 

• Run product competitions (in the Branches where this is applicable) 

• Award scholarships for local members 

• Revenue raising and collection including source local sponsorship 

• Unfinancial member liaison with the Membership Database Manager 

• Recruitment of new members 

• Servicing of local members 

• Recording contact with members 

4. Sponsorship guidelines 

• The Business Development Manager (BDM) is responsible for the income received through sponsorship and advertising across the Association. 

• All sponsorship inquiries should in the first instance go through the BDM before an approach is made at a Branch level. 

• National Partners must not be approached by any Branch even if they have had a previous connection to a Branch. 

• In the case of historical local sponsorships of conferences, events and trophies the Branch has the authority to continue this affiliation with the proviso that o they are not National Partners, or 

o the BDM has not approached them for a consolidated program across the Association. 

5. Delegated authority 

Financial – (This section to be confirmed subject to Board decision regarding financial processes and policies) 

Conferences and other activities – National Office sends out proposed program of major events and national activities in October for the following year. The Branch Committee is to ratify suggested programs within their local region and determine further Branch activities and prepare related budgets to send to Board and National Office for noting. 

6. Reporting requirements 

• Provide annual budget 

• Provide minutes of meetings – Minutes of all meeting conducted by the Branch to be sent to the National Executive Officer for noting. 

• Provide financial reports as prescribed by the Board Finance and Risk Committee

• Provide a quarterly report – of all activities conducted within the Branch to be submitted to the Board 14 working days prior to each Board meeting. 

7. National Office support 

• The National Office provides assistance to the Branches upon request for any or all the following activities o Newsletters and promotional material for activities 

o Administration of conferences, product competitions, technical events, etc. 

• Maintenance of Branch website page 

• Communications to Branch members 

• Maintain annual calendar – Branches feed into National calendar 

• Promoting events 

• Standardise & document operational procedures 

• Share information informally – eg find out what speakers are available, other DIAA activities and timing 


To nominate to the committee, please complete the link below.



Provided copies of the recent meetings and agendas

Provide and discuss the constitution and the purpose of the organisation

Provide and discuss bylaws with a focus on the Branch bylaw and the role and purpose of the branch

Provide and discuss the organisational structure

Provide and discuss the strategic plan

Provide and discuss the company policies and procedures