This new membership benefit will apply to all members renewing or commencing membership in 2023.
The Dairy Industry Association of Australia (DIAA) is delighted to introduce a range of post-nominals to identify and recognise those dairy professionals who are committed to professional career development by holding current membership of the DIAA.
How To Use The Post Nominals (from 1st January 2023)
- All full members (including life and retired) can use the post-nominals MDIAA (Member of the DIAA) as long as their membership is current.
- All associate members can use the post-nominal ADIAA (Associate of the DIAA) as long as their membership is current.
- All members who currently hold membership continuously for over 10 years can use the post-nominal FDIAA (Fellow of the DIAA) as long as their membership is current.
- All members who have undertaken and completed a Dairy Science World Series event can use the post-nominals GDIAA (Graduate of the DIAA) with the further post-nominal (Cheese) Cheese, (Ice Cream) Ice Cream, (Engineering) Engineering, (Dairy) Dairy, as long as their membership is current. An example is GDIAA (Cheese)