DIAA members enjoy access to several high-quality publications, from periodicals to technical manuals and industry directories:
- Award-winning Australian Dairy Foods magazine
- Comprehensive online and print industry directory, Australian Dairy Listing
- Peer-reviewed Australian Journal of Dairy Technology
- Online resources, publications, reports and technical manuals
- Regular e-newsletter with the latest DIAA news, events and special offers for members

Australian Dairy Foods
Australian Dairy Foods is a respected bi-monthly trade magazine that covers issues of importance to the dairy industry with a particular focus on the post-farmgate sector. The magazine is published by the Dairy Industry Association of Australia in print and electronic formats.

Australian Dairy Listing
The Australian Dairy Listing is a comprehensive dairy industry directory available in print and electronic formats only to DIAA members. The directory covers all aspects of post-farmgate dairy production: dairy product manufacturers, suppliers to the industry and industry bodies. More than 1,500 companies in 21 categories are represented.

Australian Journal of Dairy Technology
For 65 years, The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology published peer-reviewed technical and research papers on issues of importance to the dairy industry’s productive future. DIAA members have full access to the complete archive of research articles in the Australian Journal of Dairy Technology in PDF format. Individual articles are available for purchase to non-members. Thanks to the Gardiner Foundation for the financial support to archive these articles.