Membership Terms and Conditions

Version 1.0

Application of Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) apply to the Dairy Industry Association of Australia Limited (DIAA) Memberships and to the purchase of DIAA publications.

All Members agree to be bound by and comply with, DIAA’s constitution (the Constitution), by-laws, the rules and regulations of the Board and these Terms and Conditions, as amended or varied, from time to time.

As a company limited by guarantee, Members provide a guarantee under the Constitution in the event of a winding-up. The guarantee is limited to the membership fee as detailed in your membership application form up to a maximum of $1

The DIAA is committed to advancing the capabilities of dairy professionals and to being a forum for the promotion of excellence in the Australian dairy industry.

By becoming a Member, you will be a part of something bigger and help the DIAA achieve this vision.

Membership Application

To become a member, you need to complete and submit an Application for Membership available online via the DIAA website at The Board or its delegate will then assess your application and decide whether to admit you as a member, based on criteria in the Constitution. 

Admission is subject to payment of the membership subscription by the due date.  

Membership Criteria

There are 5 classes of membership

Full membership is open to individuals who, in the opinion of the Board

  • Have a professional interest in the dairy industry
  • Support the purpose
  • Satisfy any other criteria as prescribed in the bylaw

Associate membership is open to other individuals interested in the purpose but who are not eligible to be full members. Associate membership is open only to full-time students, first-year graduates, apprentices or trainees. Applicants need to provide supporting documents signed by a school head or company supervisor. Applications without supporting documents will not be considered.

Retired membership is open to individuals who, in the opinion of the Board

  • Have a professional interest in the dairy industry
  • Support the purpose
  • Satisfy any other criteria as prescribed in the bylaw
  • Are over 65 years of age
  • Have been a member for in excess of 10 years

Life membership is open to individuals who, in the opinion of the Board

  • Have a professional interest in the dairy industry
  • Support the purpose
  • Satisfy any other criteria as prescribed to qualify as a Life Member

Membership Categories

Your eligibility criteria determine your category of membership. Membership subscription and voting rights vary according to category.

*Indicates a financial member

**Retired and Life memberships are awarded at the DIAA’s discretion

Membership Years

A membership year for the DIAA Membership commences on the date you join DIAA and ends on the 12-month anniversary of joining (Membership Year).

DIAA Membership will continue until a written resignation of membership is received by DIAA.

Membership Fees

You agree to pay DIAA the annual membership fee (the Annual Membership Fees) as detailed in your membership application form or as determined by the DIAA from time to time.

The Annual Membership Fees are GST inclusive unless provided otherwise.

The DIAA offers one option for payment of the Annual Membership Fees:

One-off payment:

  • The one-off payment of the Annual Membership Fees will be payable in full upfront upon applying for membership (or seeking renewal or reinstatement of membership for subsequent Membership Years (as the case may be)).
  • If your membership is resigned during a Membership Year, the one-off payment of the Annual Membership Fees for that Membership Year will not be refunded.

Resignation and termination

You may resign your membership at any time by written notice to the DIAA.

Written notice of resignation of your DIAA membership should be sent to:

DIAA Membership Team
Private Bag 16 

Vic 3030

Or emailed to

DIAA may terminate your membership if you do not pay your membership fees for more than 30 days after they are due for payment.

Membership Services

The DIAA provides its members with a range of services and benefits as part of its membership (Membership Services). The provision of Membership Services is at all times at the absolute discretion of the DIAA and is subject to change, variation or cancellation at any time.

Details of the DIAA Membership packages are provided on our website and are subject to change, variation or cancellation at any time.

DIAA makes no representation or promises that the Membership Services offered at the time of joining DIAA or renewal of membership will continue to be provided to members.

Not legal or professional advice

The contents of the DIAA’s publications are provided as general guides only and are not designed to be comprehensive or to provide legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Formal and specific legal and/or professional advice should be sought to address your individual circumstances.

No Liability for Publications

The DIAA has taken all reasonable care in preparing its publications. DIAA publications are intended to provide general information in summary form, current at the time of first publication.

The DIAA gives no warranties or assurances and makes no representations about its publications, including in respect of its relevance, reliability, accuracy or completeness. The DIAA gives no assurances that its publications are suitable for your intended use.

The DIAA does not accept any liability for any claim which may arise from any person acting or refraining from acting based on information contained in a publication.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, DIAA, its employees and/or any other person involved in the preparation of DIAA publications excludes all liability including for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any DIAA publication, or otherwise in connection with it.

Intellectual Property

DIAA owns the intellectual property, including copyright, in all content of its publications.

Reproduction of any DIAA publication is not permitted without prior written authorisation from DIAA. If DIAA grants permission, you must give appropriate attribution to the author and date of first publication.

Members are not permitted to use the DIAA name or logo, including on their websites or business stationery or to suggest that they are sponsored, endorsed by, or affiliated with, DIAA without obtaining prior written authorisation from the DIAA. You acknowledge that all decisions as to whether to permit your use of the DIAA name or logo are made by the DIAA in its absolute discretion.

No Liability for Third Party Products and Services

Membership Services may include access to third-party products and services. Depending on your level of DIAA Membership package, the provision of third-party services and products may be included in your Annual Membership Fee or as a separate paid subscription service.

By accessing and using third-party products and services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and conditions (and Privacy Policy) of that third party and agree to be bound by them.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, DIAA excludes all liability including for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered by any person accessing and/or using third-party products and services.


DIAA is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your contact with DIAA is a safe and rewarding experience.  DIAA has a privacy policy to manage privacy.  A copy of DIAA’s privacy policy is available on our website.

By submitting a membership application form, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the DIAA privacy policy and that you agree with, and consent to, the practises described in that policy.


Changes to Terms and Conditions

From time to time, DIAA may update these Terms and Conditions. The updated Terms and Conditions will apply to all membership applications from the time of posting on our website and onwards.


In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the Constitution, the Constitution prevails.


Any provision of, or the application of any provision of, these Terms and Conditions which is void, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction does not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction or of the remaining provisions in that or other jurisdiction.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Victoria.  Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts Victoria.


Membership, and the rights of being a DIAA member, are personal to the member and are not transferable.

Member Terms and Conditions

If you supply your terms and conditions on any document at any time (including on purchase orders or other documents) your terms and conditions will be of no legal effect and will not constitute part of these Terms and Conditions for the provision of Membership Services, even if a representative of DIAA signs a document that indicates that your terms and conditions apply.