Contact Details Michael SedinPartnerships Manager partnerships@diaa.asn.au0488 522 313 Advertising Upgrade Form 2024/25 AUSTRALIAN DAIRY LISTING RATE CARD Spam protection, skip this field The Australian Dairy Listing is a comprehensive dairy industry directory, available in print and electronic formats, purely for the benefit of DIAA members. The Listing covers all aspects of post-farmgate dairy production: dairy product manufacturers, suppliers to the industry and industry bodies. More than 1,500 companies in 21 categories are represented. ADVERTISING OPTIONS Basic Upgrade - $500 plus GST What Is It A cost-effective way to boost visibility in print and online. We lay out this upgrade on a standard template based on the information you supply. Proofs will not be provided. What Do You Get Print edition: Full address details for your company’s head office, phone number, e-mail address, website, logo and a 100-word paragraph about your company. Online edition: all of the above, plus a direct hyperlink to your company’s website. Multisite Upgrade - $850 plus GST What Is It Visibility and flexibility, with a full-page entry that lists the addresses and contact details of all your factories/offices/branches/ locations. This upgrade is laid out by us based on the information you supply, with some flexibility in layout. A proof will be provided for your sign-off. What Do You Get Print edition: A full-page entry, with full address details for your company’s head office and other factories/offices/branches/locations, phone number, e-mail address, website address, colour logo and a 100-word paragraph about your company. Online edition: All the benefits listed in the Online Basic Upgrade above. Ranking above free entries in the online listing. Full Page Display Advert - $1,500 plus GST What Is It The best option for maximum visibility and flexibility. You supply the display ad as print-ready artwork. Need help creating the ad? We can put one together for a small fee. What Do You Get Print edition: A full-page display ad in the same section as your entry or on one of the covers (if available). You also receive a Basic Upgrade, as described above, for free ($500 value). Online edition: All the benefits listed in the Online Basic Upgrade above. Ranking above free entries in the online listing. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Please e-mail the following to as soon as available: 1. A 100-word paragraph about your company (no bullets/ special formatting; entries may be edited for length/grammar/house style). 2. A high-resolution, colour logo (300 dpi, CMYK, EPS or JPG). Or send us the largest size logo you have on file, and we’ll call you if there is a problem. 3. If you’ve booked a full-page ad, you also need to provide: Print: Vertical only, 90mm x 210mm (plus 5mm bleeds). Please submit as press quality PDF with marks and bleeds, fonts embedded and images as 300 dpi CMYK. Files in Microsoft Word or any other format will not be accepted. Note: If you don’t submit material as specified, we may be able to fix it at your cost. If we cannot fix it, you’ll have to re-supply correctly. UPGRADE Basic Upgrade - $500 plus GST Multisite Upgrade - $850 plus GST Full Page Display Advert - $1,500 plus GST INVOICE REQUEST Company Name Company ABN Email Address Phone Number Address BOOKING CONFIRMATION I agree to the terms and conditions in relation to my booking as indicated above. I agree that my typed name below will be as valid as a handwritten signature to the extent allowed by local law.