In a day and age where time is a precious commodity, it’s important to find the right words to thank you, our volunteers, who take time from your busy lives to help out. Volunteering takes time and energy and commitment.
Thank you so much for serving on our committees.
Your willingness to give your time and service so freely is greatly appreciated. Your support of our mission allows us to serve people across our industry each and every year, providing access to skills, events, social and business interactions and advice that they would not otherwise be able to afford nor access so easily. Not only does your work help the Association, it directly impacts each person who receives assistance.
Again, I thank you so much for your willingness to donate your time and talent. Your efforts contribute greatly to the success of our organisation. I look forward to your continued volunteer involvement with the DIAA in the year ahead.
Kind regards,
Carl Partridge, CEO, DIAA